Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio (2024)

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1926 THE PORTSMOUTH DAILY TIMES Giants Have Big Lead On Pirates NEW TORK. Sept. Smith the opposing batterles. homer scorlng Frisch in the time with no one on for his team's Morrison Kelly's the Giants In The Pirates hurd bitting clad-off ouly scores. The Giants first put the van at the wen were ineffective.

their lend in burgh. increased outset of the third game in the ser- Granthum developed as the Bucks' ton HIll Tears the Courth br landing world champlons. Ring main strength smashing for four hits and three runs les with the home run in and scored a fourth man when Ter- Pittsburg and and the seconl and fourth Innings each ry sacrificed butting for Michallen. 'New McMullen, Carmen fIll York St. Louis-Boston on Tied In 10th BOSTON, Sept.

teague lending St. Louis Cardinals gainel an early lead in their game with Reston today when they scored tiro TUTS in the first inning and held the Braves scoreless. Southworth and Hornsby scored when Bottomley hit sharply through short. Boston went out in order. St.

Louis filled the hakes in the second inning with none out, only to hare 'Farrell and Therenow forced, out at la the plate Hornsby fly cut. Sherdel and O'Farrell were the batteries for Sc. Louis and Worle 2ndl 1 Taylor for Boston. Boston went out in order in the ond. Bottomler's triple in the third went for naught when Bell grounded out and Holm hit into a double play.

In ton's half, Bancroft scored On two singles and a sAcrifice fly before Cooner hit Into a double play making the score St. Louis 2, Boston 1. In the fourth Douthit hammered out home run and sent in O'Farrelt abend of him. Boston placed one on base, but failed to advance him. Score end fourth, St.

Louis 4: Boston Boston added two runs in the sixth. Wertz doubled and reached home on Welsh's hit to right Singles by Mann and Brown adranced Welsh for the second run of the inning. St. Louis out in order in thetr butt of the sixth, and neither tenm could score in the serenth. Innings 1284561 80 10 St.

Louis 200200000 0 Boston 001002010 0 Reds Defeat Brooklyn BROOKLIN, Sept. 13-(AP)- Cincinnati's thrent with three on base in the first failed to get nothing IS the Brooklyn team supported pitcher Grimes with faultless ticiding. Hargreaves caught Grimes' slunts. Riser end Hargrare were batterles for 00 00 0 0 00000000 0 0000000000 0 The Reds scored two more In the eighth. Tennis 1 2 5 7 8 HE Cin.

00110002 0 Brook. 0 0 0 0 4 1 Batteries- -Rixey and Hargrare. Grimes and Hargrenves. Chief Justice Marshall to Address Civic Clubs The Civitan Club meeting this noon at the American Restaurant occuitself chiefly with a discussion of arrangements for the Friday ere ning meeting at the Elks Club A very interesting event is anticipated A1 this time as Chief Justice C. Maraliall of the Ohio Supreme Court and past President of the InternationI Cincinnati.

A single in the third by Pipp afler Christensen was hit by a pitched ball gave Cincinnati run In the third and in the fourth toning, singles by Hargrove and Rites gave them another. al Association of Civitan Club consented to address the local civic clubs and bar association. The address will delirered after dinner which be served nt 6:30 D. m. und the subject of the address will be "The Constitution." It will be recalled thot the present week is heln; celebrated AS "Constitution Hopkins Will Coach Eleven Tho "Studchaker Presidents" held rory succesafui Sunday aficruoon at the Scloto Motor Co All members of 11re team were preseat.

"Red" Ilopkins WAS appointed coach and requested that all players report for practice Monday nt -o'clock. Labold Field. Business of outhitting the team was transacted at. the meeting. The principals present who addressed the team were F.

C. Eccles, Gen. Friend, Mr. Fundenherg and T. Williams.

Rotarians To Observe Rules Club in a Stricter Sense The Portsmouth Rotary Clul, following a serles of summer outing meetings held at varlous camps and resorts, resumed its regular Monday rom sessions today. inceting at the 18 Club rooing 11:15. President Marting, was in the chair and there was A good attendance. Quo now member, David Stahler, vas welcomed into the club. It was de- OBITUARY Funeral of Mr.

Michael Gleason Funeral services for the late Michael Gleason, one of the pioneer residents of the city who passed awar ill his home on 'Third street. last Friday erening were held Monday morning at eight o'clock from Holy Redeemer church where Mr. harl been faithful attendan: for mans years. Rev. E.

MrGuirk sang the requiem mass and delivered the funeral sermon and Rev. Cronard D. Falrey, chaplain of Mourer Ilospital bad charge of the services at Greenlawn cemetery. The pall henrers wero Messrs. Switalski, Daniel Collins, Thomas McQuaide, Fred farl Wolfe and Charles A.

Sommer. that of 10wn relatirea And friends here for the funeral were Mrs. MarCATer Strilling and laughter, MEAS Mary Hoortel of Circleville, Mrs. P. .1.

logon. Mrs. Dennis Glynn and Dire. Mary Guthric of Wellston and Miss Sara Spellacy of Columbus. The nuns handsome floral offerIrz, sont hr the hang friends of the late Mr.

Gineson were distributed to 11:6 murre hospitals today by Miss (ilason. devoted dauzhter of 150 deceased. Orville Blair Teach onrly Monday claimed rille. five-rear-old son of Mr. and Findser Blair, of 3074 Walnut street.

East Portsmouth. after FL short The hody Tuesday will 1x forwarded to. Dobson. for intermort. Mrs.

N. A. Hardwick Walter I. Hardwick, of 715 Fourth left Monday morning for being called there death of his mother. Airs.

N. A. Haniwlek, a life-long resident of that city. who passed away Sunday night E1 home of her daughter, Mrs. Jf.

A. Taller. of Hopewell, Va. The funporrices will be held Tuesday a from the First Baptist 1: 1: in Roanoke. Mrs.

Hardwick was TO yours of age and is survived following grOwn children: NE. A. Talley. of Hopewell, W. 1 A.

Hardwick. of Walter 1. Hardwick, of PortsLexington. man. and Miss Sadie Hardwick at Funeral of Rer.

John Crehirce Funeral services for Rev. Fobn Crab: rec. who was instantly killed Feralay morning while working in A cHar mine to at South Webster. will from the Church morning at 10:10 o'clock. la.

Mr. Crabtree was born UT Finn Furnace June 0, 1962. and Ari September J1. 1826. at the RILe Scars, three months and two day-.

WAS unitel in marriage to Fistico Hecemher 8. 100t. To union were born cicht children. Alice. Leslie.

Arthur, Anna. 1: and Fern. Onc son died v. In addition his widow And leaves his father. Crahtree.

of South Webster. badly injured at the same 4012 was killed. and the folsisters and brothers, ugh. of MEN. Nancy Smith.

of South! F. Crabtree of Akron. and Charles Crebtree of Waster, 0 00 0 00 0 went into the box for Pitts- 1234567 .010000 2003003 Franklin Ave. Church News The members of the Senlor Epworth League Till meet in the church parlors on Tuesday erening nt 7:30 o'clock. I'lans for the work and program of the winter will be discussed, Erery member is urged to attend.

Mid-week prayer service nt the church on Wednesday evening at 17:16 o'clock. The Queen Esther and Standard Bearer Society will meet at the home of JIlss Dora Stewart. 1916 Timmonds 00 Friday evening at :30. Driver Fined Ross Denkyne, 34. pleaded gullty In municipal Monday to a charge of driving white Intoxicated and was fined $50 and costs and ordered not.

to delve IL car for the rest.or this Fear. POLICE NEWS Warren Riggs, 18, of Sciotorille. pleaded guilty in municipal court Monday to A pt drunkenness and to one of assaulting Jasper Felty, of Sclotoville. He was fined $10 and costs for drunkenness and $25 and and thirty in Jail for the assault charge. Turned Over to Probate Court Clarence Thompson, 17, pleaded guilty in Municipal Court, Mondas, to charge of passing bed checks.

He was turned over Probate Court on 1C- count of his age. To Buy Goods Miss Margaret Anderson left Monday for New York, where she will buy goods for The Anderson Bros, company. Beat Old Timers Youth was served again Sunday when the reigning Rarden Champs turned back the former Champs in a hotly contested melee on the village diamond, the youths trlumpling over the Old Timers by the close count of 6 to 4, Tom Blackburn performed on the firing line for the winners and Arthur Weaver, veteran portsider, officlated on the hill for the losers. Hospital News Ralph Reynolds of South Portsmouth was moved to Portsmouth General hospital Monday. He is suffering with typhoid fever, Mrs.

Lena Caudill of left the hospital Monday. She Wheelersburg WAS recently operated' upon. SCHAEFER FER throughout the country. Metnbers of the local civic clubs and of the bor association should make their reservations early through their respective orgapizntions. Othera desiring to attend should Ara range for reservations through Dr.

Ormsby Keselring or B. E. Leete of the Portsmouth Civitan Club. Yankees Lose First Game DETROIT, Sept. 13-(AP)-New York used 18 men In the tirst game of the doule header today with Detroit ut lost 4 to 3.

Meusel hit his lIthe homer. Teams R. H. E. New York 001 001 010-3 3 1 Detroit 000 220 00x-4 7 Batteries -Shocker and Bengough, Now York; Whitebill and Bassier, Detrolt.

Speeders Fined Clarence Tingler, 26, L. W. Adkins, were arraigned and pleaded guilty in Municipal court Monday on charges of speeding and were fined and costa each. Adkins was ordered not to drire a car for a week. Both were arrested on Galila street br officer Goodman.

Phone 316 216 Market St. Arbuckles Pure Cane Sugar, 10 lbs. for 65c 25 pound sack $1.59 Pint jar Strained Honey 38c Pint jar Sweet Quart Pickles jar Strained Honey 69c Quart jar Stuffed Olives Pint jar Stuffed Olives 35c jar Dill Pickles Quart jar Sour Pickles Quart jar Plain Olives Quart jar Sweet Pickles Pint jar Plain Olires Minnesota Early Ohio Nico and Potatoes, 15 lb. pk. mealy.

Pancake Flour pkg. Pillabury Pancake Flour Ballard Buckwheat Flour pkg. Pillsbury New goods just received. Buckwheat Flour Log Cabin Syrup, pint 24c; quart 480; half gallon 95c Maple Flavor Syrup, small can, 15c; half gallon 39c; 73c The best Maple flavor syrup sold in the gallon city. Heart The of flour America Flour, per sack $1.35 only in the city sold with a money back give satisfaction or your money will be refunded.

guarantee It must: Look! 2 pound package Stick Candy only 25c Alf flavors. Campbell Baked Beans 3 for 25c Campbell Tomato Syrup 3. for 25c Star Soap 10 10 bars for Blue Devil, Octagon Soap bars for 490 Gold Dust, large per box ..100 F. and G. Soap 10 bars for Dutch Cleanser 2 for 15c Ivory Soap ID bars Lux Soap 3 for Fels Naptha ID for .580 Crystal White 10 bars for Trilby Cream Soap 3 for 25 Tag Soap 10 bars Oil 2 for for 49c Werks Washing Machine Powder 290 Stop Pure Cider Vinegar, This is the per third for Vinegar when Schaefer sells it for 28c paying 40c gallon per gallon 28c car we hare had this season.

Over 10,000 gallons. 5 pound can Snow King Baking Powder, Ih. Rumford Baking Powder 150 .980 5 pound cans 5 Daris Baking can Powder 20c Calumet Baking Powder' 10 lb. 88c. 5 pound cang pound can Calumet Baking Powder $1.58 Gallon Jugs Catsup $1.00 Gallon Jugs Mustard Milk, Milk 3 large cans for 25c Pet Borden 10c.

Eagle 19c King's Each Delight contains Pineapple, 3 large cans 69c can 8 perfect slices, packed in heavy syrup. Finest Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, per pound 32c No. 50 Lard or whole strips. cans $8.50 Sweet Little Hams, pound Star Tobacco, per pound 74c Prince Albert Tobacco 121-2c Open Every Thursday Afternoon. Free delivery to New Boston every Monday, Wednesday, Friday Standard Oysters, 75c Select Oysters, 85s Our oysters are the finest in the city.

Solid pack in quart can, no water or dirt. Tin Cans, per dozen 45c Half gallon Mason Jars $1.10 dozen Magnolia Flour, per sack $1.00 Cream Flour, sack Per barrel $7.50 barrel. per No. 3 cans Homing 106 No. No.

3 cans Tomatoes 3 for 25c cans Pumpkin 10c 3 No, 3 Kraut tans Tomatoes 2 for 25c cans 10c New pack Sugar Corn 3 25c Jello, all flavors Tru-jell, all flavors, 2 for 15c Many Are Fined in Court The following were Angl in Mu-1870 Court ou charges ot drunkenness: Stanley McClure, 22, WHAm Lewis. 22, Bert Dule. Archie Roese, 27, Malcohn Haml ton, 21. Luther Hollkiny, 00. WiTlinen Payne, 42, nod Roy Davis.

all $5 anil costs. Roy Yearlan, 41. drew and costs and ten dars In Jail. Opal Collier. 26.

was Mned Sun and costs and senteucel to thirty day's it Jnil for being drunk and Duke. Flowers, 30, colored. pleaded guilty to charge of disorderly duct. but the case WAS 14155041 until for seutence, Local Horseshoe Flippers Defeated Lack transportation for the local horseshoe players was the chict cause of the defent suffered by the locals In Asbinnd Sunday afternoon. It WAS necessary to leave ail of the local stors at home, only three men representing Portsmonth.

Gurduer, Doll and Hughes were all three left at home wille Gerald, Swickert and Mitchell tried to uphold the reputnton of the locals. Gerald dild the job well. winning fire out of his nine games. Mitchell and Swickert did not do so well, only winning one of their nine Boy May Lose Use of Eye Bobbie. eight.

year old SOIL of Mrs. Mabel Anderson of G37 Tenth street may lose his right eye the result of an accident he met with. Sunday when he fell off a shed at his home. He Cell on a stick and it split the eye lid of his right eye and injured the ball. Ic WAS removed to Mercy Hospital, Mr.

Turley in the Shadows I. C. Turles, long prominent elt- Second street late Portsmouth was reported at suffering from paralysis Monding. anil is lte Is izen in tenth at his home on expected in survive the not the point of dug. MOORE HELD TO GRAND JURY Flord Moore, of the West Side, was 1s In A pregnant condition.

He 1705 found guilty in municipal court Mon- bound over to the grand jury under day of not supporting his wife, $500 bond. Is Accused of Passing Bogus Check A. J. Bryant, 48, pleaded not gullty, when arraigned in municipal court Monday to a charge of passing a bad check on P. E.

Mnuer for $155. The lease was continued until Wednesday for further eridence. Bryant 10S urrested In Russell, Sunday and I brought here by Officer Dan Miller. Here Are The Golf Scores BALTUSROL COUNTRY SHORT HILLS, N. J.

Sept. 13-(UP) -The bunkered course and rolling greens of Ballusrol gained verdict over the pet shots of the conntry's best amateur golfers in the qualifying round of the national amateur tournament day. First scores were unexpectedly high. The firat aspirant to break SO rA9 Jack Westland of Seattle, who cute home in 37 After A 41 out for total DE 78. Lauren Unson, Englewood, led the first 20 to report with a 37-30-70.

Ellsworth August of Cleveland was a strokn behind. Other scores included: inmes Manion, St. Louis, Mus: Marston, Philadelphin, 40-42- to-182. W. C.

Frowine, l'ittsburgh, 30-43 -82. Davidson Herron, Philadelphiu, -11- 40-S7. Dexter Cummins, Chicago, 38-30-77. Jesse Guillord, Roston, 30-44-S0. To Submit Three Propositions At a spocial meeting of Portsmouth Masons tonight the building committee will submit three propo- Sciotoville and Wheelersburg SCIOTOVILLE A family pienic was enjoyed at I.ncastille Fair Grounds Sunday by the following persons, In honor of Miss Gladys Coburn, who loaves this week for Boston, to spend the winter with her brother, Charles Coburn: Mrs.

Caroline Coburn, Mr. And Mrs. D. C. JicDonald and two children.

Ted and Jack, or Sir. And Mrs. W. A. Wooddell and daughter Esther.

of Stockdale: Dr. and Mra. Frank Coburn And children, Inmes, Frank and Howard; Dr. and Mrs. farold.

A. Coturn, Miss Gladys Coburn, Mr. and Bire. S. A.

Stewnrt and children, Bernice, Steven Ruth and Jonn, and John Burke or Wheelersburg. Mrs. IT. S. Kent of Long Sendow will entertain the Bible Class with an all day quilting and covered dish dinner Wednesdny.

Mr. And 3frs. S. C. MAdams of Gallo nrenue.

hare ns guests her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W.

Taw- WANTED High class sales lady sell an extraordinary article. One with auto preferred. Portsmouth, 0. P. 0.

Box 3 THE SCHMIDT. WATKINS COMPANY Plumbing, Heating And Electrical Contracting 934 Gallia Home Phone 578 American Automobile Insurance Co. Liability, Collision Property Damage Fire and Theft Rooms 721 First National Bank Building Phone 3203 W. Kinney, Agent MILLER AND SEARL. Attorneys and Adjusters First National Bank Bldr.

Rices will be assistant hostesses. Dirs. Fank McCurdy entertained Saturday in honor of her niece, Miss Darlene Cadot, whose marriage to Mr. Surel R. Strunk of Rochester, N.

will be solemized September 30. The rooms were beautifully decorated with fail flowers. The color scheme of green and carried out with white climatis with its foliage ranged in howls daintily placel. 'The W. C.

T. U. will meet Tuesday afternoon with Drs, J. N. Hudson.

Arrests In The City; 8 In New Boston Thirty-nine arrests were made in Portsmouth and New Boston over the week-end. Local police, rounded up 31 offenders New Boston officers made eight. IN HOSPITAL. Bliss Alma Colley of Chafins Mills was conveyed Portsmouth Genernl Hospital Sunday In the Richards' nmbulance. Leaves On Trip A.

Vonderembse left Sunday on 111 caster trip In the Interest of the Selby Shoe Company. FLY TOX Pleasant Odor FLY-TOX KILLS FLIES. MOTHS MOSQUITOES ACHES, FLEAS BUOS. ANTS Foremost Developed at Scientific World's Va don Industrial Rewarch Will not stain. Pleasant odor.

Harmi eus to hunans and animala. At Your Retailer SOCIETY The many friends of Mrs. Henrietta McCormick, wite of Dr. T. G.

McCormick, will be glad to know that she is getting along nicely frond the effects of an emergency operation for gall stones which she underwent in the Mercy Hospital Monday ing. 'The marriage of Miles Eilen ron and Mr. Raymond Adams will be beautifully solemnized tomorrow morning at 7:30 o'clock in St. Mary'a A weddlug breakfast at the Hurth will follow the churen service. Mr.

and Mrs. Alonzo Nunley of 1125 Findlay street hare returnel from visit with relatives in Louisa. Ky. They made the trip via motor and visited the scenes of Mr. Nutiley's boyhood.

This WAR his Arsl visit back to the old home place in twenty-live years. Enroute home they stopped nt Bolto Fork. and visited Mr. and Mrs. Millard Pricknrd, old-time friends schoolmates.

Group 2.3 of Trinity Ladirs Aid So cicty will meet Wednesdar afternoon nt two o'clock in the home of Mrs. J. IT. Appel, 1203 Kinney's Lane. Busi11055 of importance will come up for transaction members are urged to attend.

'The Willing Workers Class of tho First Evangelical church will meet tomorrow evening nt 7:30 o'clock 1 in the home of Mrs. George Schirrman 011 Fifth street. Important business demands a full attendance. Miss Mary Cylnch and brother. Mr! Peter Clynch, returned to their home in Cincinnati Monday morning after a feir days' visit with locn! relating and friends.

Mrs. Martin Glyn nand four chill: dren hare returned from nut extended visit with relatives and friends.in Wellston. Jackson to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ewing Roberts are the guests of her father.

H. B. Carraci and sister, Mrs. Kath: ren Powell at McArthur. Sirs.

Pearl Brown is the guest of her son. Mr. Crawford Brown, at Portsmouth. Tommy Daris left Saturday to enroll as a student at the Lyndon Military Academy. Miss Mary Pritchett Is ill at the home of her father, Mr.

Frank Pritchett, South street. cided to have no more outside meetings this year by unanimous vote. President Marting made a report on a recent meeting of presidents and secretaries which wag held at Lancaster. It was emphasized that stricter obserrance of woull be enforced hereafter. There is to be re-classification bers, and where members have changed their occupations they will he dropped as heretofore but will be assigned -to the new classifiertions even though there is already member for that classification.

A new rule also forbids Rotary clubs from being used buy politicians and candidates for office as vehicles for propaganda to agrance their candidates. The bar does not apply to persons holding office, bowerer. It is tbe Alm to have Rotary clubs adhere strictly to" the purposes for which they were organized. President Marting announced that next Monday the club would be addressed by Mr. Frank B.

Paully, of Jiddletown. Onlo, und IL full attendance of members is urged fox; that date. A letter from the president the Ciritan club wAs read, stating that on next Friday erening Ron. Currington S. Marshall, chief justice of 'the Ohio Supreme court, woulrl speak in the Elk hall under the auspices of the Ciritan club upon the "'Constitution." This is Constitution Week.

Rotarlans were invired to Hear Mr. Marshall and Harry W. Miller was named 1S a committeemen to poll Rotarians and Advise the Civicans how of the members would he pre: sent Fridas evening. Dinner will be serred at 6:30 and the address wIll follow. Rotary Clubs will soon be gonized in Manchester and The anchester club will be inst1tuted by Portsmouth Rotarians And the Waverly club hr Chillicothe Rotarians.

BIRTHS Ver Gait is the name airen 10 the daughter born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Evans of Park avenue New Boston. F. C.

DAEHLER MORTUARY CO. NO EXTRA CHARGES FOR THE USE OF FUNERAL, HOME CREMATORY. Slumber Rooms Dignified, Sympathetic Service Ambulance Service Phone 452 bore. AL WINDEL Funeral Director and Ambulance Service Funcral Home at 1503 Offnere St. No Charge Branch Office 625 Third Street, Phone 185 sitions on the new home proposition.

It is Ilkely that one of these will be accepted. son of Ironton. Mrs. Martha Price who has been residing with her daughter in Springfield, Is here the gneet of friends 1s bnving her house on Harrison street repainted. 'The meetings nt the Berean Baptist Church which Is being conducted by Evangelist D.

R. Laken nnd Rev. Sam Inborn, is crenting much interest. And overflowing crowds aro in attendance, a number being turned awny last night. Rev.

Laken's subJect, "The Deril's Big! Three," WiIS an Interesting one. SerrIces cvery evening at 7 o'clock nnri at 2 In the afternoon. 'The Home Missionary Soclety will mnect with Ira. S. E.

Morehend of Gatlin nrenue, Thursdar. A group consisting of Mrs. Pl. H. Mithutt, Mrs.

Ora Winkler, and Mrs. W. C. Jenkins will be hostesses. Erersbods bring their duea.

WHEELERSBURG Mira. O. R. McClure has nA guest for this week, her mother Mrs. Clyde King of Baltimore, Md, The W.

F. Philiathen Claas nE the Baptist church will meet this corning with Miss Enzel Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tourney and two little daughters, Marie and Jean, ver parents, Mr.

and Mira, Henderson Cottle and two sinters. and Sarah and Charles Snyder of Portamouth molored to Charleston. W. yesterdag and spent the day with her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Drs, Charles Campbell. The What So Erer Class of the M.

E. church will meet at the home of AIrs. Sherman Fibhetta Tuesday crening nt 7:15. Carl Herma, Mra. F.

R. Stitte. "Mrs. George Preston will he Assistant hostesses. All memhers nre urged to be present.

Ladica Aid Society of the MI. E. church will meet Thursday alternoon with Mrs. P. A.

Burke. Mrs. George Smith, Miss Mary Smith, Sirs. Thomas Stitts, Mire Tada Hornbuckle and Mrs. East End Plumbing And Heating JOE LOVINER Repair Work Properly Attended To Twice Annum Interest A Paid Per Year MAINTAINING OUR REPUTATION In the building up of this strong, progressive institu.

tion, the officers and directors have builded for the future, satisfied with that solid and substantial growth that bas characterized the institution from the day it was founded. Today we are strong, virile and the future is clear and bright. We offer you all those safe-guards that protect your money--always willing to advise and counsel with you. American Building Loan Association John W. Berndt, Secretary 709 Chillicothe Street MOVING VANS Return Load from Pittsburg, Wheeling or Shelbyville, at once We Know Our Stuff Independent Transfer Taxi Co.

Phones 382-88 Long Distance Boston 20 Local or MOVING Phone 1289 or WALTER E. COOK, Mgr. WANTED--Return load from Dayton. PLYMOUTH it to Homesite Investors 50 the Homesite allotment, and builders. for an appointment.

ForSatisfaction brings prof. Call 3210-the key to ere: ready to explain our guaranitin profit plan. PROFIT HEIGHTS SUBURBAN HOMESITE CO. 326 First Natl. Barb.

Phone 3210.

Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio (2024)


What is the poverty rate in Portsmouth Ohio? ›

It is also the county seat of Scioto County. Portsmouth is currently declining at a rate of -1.24% annually and its population has decreased by -4.79% since the most recent census, which recorded a population of 18,209 in 2020. The average household income in Portsmouth is $52,132 with a poverty rate of 35.44%.

Who founded Portsmouth Ohio? ›

First plat map of Portsmouth 1803

Henry Massie set up the boundaries and streets for Portsmouth in 1803.

What is across the river from Portsmouth Ohio? ›

South Portsmouth is an unincorporated community in Greenup County, Kentucky, United States. South Portsmouth is located on the Ohio River across from Portsmouth, Ohio and 3 miles (4.8 km) west of South Shore, Kentucky.

Where is Portsmouth Daily Times? ›

1103 11th Street, Portsmouth, Ohio

What is the poorest community in Ohio? ›

The Poorest Cities In Ohio
  1. East Cleveland. Pop.: 13,926. 2022 ranking: 1.
  2. Athens. Pop.: 22,698. 2022 ranking: 2. ...
  3. Warren. Pop.: 39,204. 2022 ranking: 4. ...
  4. Youngstown. Pop.: 60,048. 2022 ranking: 3. ...
  5. Portsmouth. Pop.: 18,130. 2022 ranking: 5. ...
  6. East Liverpool. Pop.: 9,969. 2022 ranking: 7. ...
  7. Ashtabula. Pop.: 18,003. ...
  8. Cleveland. Pop.: 370,365. ...
Jan 5, 2024

What percentage of Portsmouth is white? ›

93.3% people are white, 2.9% people are asian, 1.7% people are mixed.

What is the sister city of Portsmouth Ohio? ›

The sister city relationship between Zittau in Saxony and Portsmouth, Ohio began in 1991 after talks between university representatives in both towns. An organizing team in Zittau and the Sister City Committee in Portsmouth have since arranged a large number of visits to both cities.

What was the main industry in Portsmouth, Ohio? ›

By the end of the 19th century, Portsmouth was one of the most important industrial cities on the Ohio River between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. It became an iron and steel factory town with new companies like the Portsmouth Steel Company.

What is the crime rate in Portsmouth, Ohio? ›

Portsmouth Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes71465
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)4.0426.44

What are some interesting facts about Portsmouth Ohio? ›

With the end of the steamboat era it developed as a railway centre; the first railroad arrived in 1853. Bridges now connect the city to South Portsmouth and Fullerton, in Kentucky. Following disastrous river floods in 1937, a floodwall 77 feet (23 metres) high was built (completed 1948) to protect the city.

How old is Portsmouth, Ohio? ›

Portsmouth was platted in 1803, but it's history extends back to the establishment of a community called Alexandria on the west bank of the Scioto River, an Indian word meaning "fresh water".

Is Portsmouth, Ohio rural or urban? ›

Living in Portsmouth offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents rent their homes. In Portsmouth there are a lot of bars, restaurants, and coffee shops.

How many students at Portsmouth High School in Portsmouth Ohio? ›

Portsmouth Junior/Senior High School is a public school located in PORTSMOUTH, OH. It has 672 students in grades 7-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 16 to 1. According to state test scores, 14% of students are at least proficient in math and 36% in reading.

Is Portsmouth a city or town? ›

Portsmouth is a city in the south of England, in the county of Hampshire. About 280,536 people live there (As Of 2017). It is a port and is the home of the British Royal Navy. It's the second-largest city in the county of Hampshire, behind Southampton.

Is Portsmouth a good day out? ›

Portsmouth is jam-packed with things to do – much more, in fact, than you could ever squeeze into just one weekend. We have a whole host of world-renowned attractions, from historic ships to award-winning museums, iconic towers and loads more besides.

What salary is considered poverty in Ohio? ›

1 (income less than) $27,180 2 $36,620 3 $46,060 4 $55,500 5 $64,940 6 $74,380 7 $83,820 8 $93,260 For each additional family member, add $9,440 at the 200% level.

Which Ohio County has the highest poverty rate? ›

o Delaware, Geauga, Medina and Warren had the lowest poverty rates, ranging from 4.6 to 6.4 percent – all are sub- urban metropolitan area counties; Adams, Athens, Gallia, Meigs and Scioto had the highest poverty rates, ranging from 30.6 to 22.4 percent – all are Appalachian (five-year averages).

What is the average income in Portsmouth? ›

£39,644 (GBP)/yr

The average salary for jobs in Portsmouth, United Kingdom is £39,644 (GBP) per year or an hourly rate of £19 (GBP).

What is the crime rate in Portsmouth Ohio? ›

Portsmouth Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes71465
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)4.0426.44


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Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.